U.S. Launches retaliatory Airstrikes on 85 Targets in Iran, Iraq, and Syria


In what could escalate tensions in the Middle East, the United States launched airstrikes targeting 85 locations linked to Iran, Iraq, and Syria. The Pentagon confirmed that the airstrikes were a response to an earlier attack carried out by Iran-backed fighters, resulting in the death of three American soldiers at a military base in Jordan on Sunday.

While emphasizing the U.S. intention to avoid a direct conflict with Iran, President Biden has issued a warning that these retaliatory attacks will persist. The targeted locations reportedly include command and control centers of Iran’s Quds Force and associated militias.
Reports emerging from Syria indicate casualties resulting from the airstrikes, with both fatalities and injuries reported. The Iraqi government strongly condemned the attacks, labeling them a violation of the country’s sovereignty.
The Pentagon has justified the strikes as a necessary response to protect American military personnel and interests in the region. The airstrike serves as a clear signal of the U.S. commitment to safeguard its forces and respond decisively to threats originating from Iran and its proxies.
The situation is expected to escalate diplomatic tensions in the region, with both Iran and Iraq denouncing the U.S. actions. The international community will closely monitor the developments as concerns grow over the potential for further escalation and the impact on regional stability.
President Biden’s warning of continued attacks suggests a sustained military response from the United States, raising questions about the broader implications for the delicate geopolitical balance in the Middle East.