Three killed in Al-Shabab attack in Mandera county in Kenya

At Least three people were confirmed dead including two Al Shabaab fighters and a Kenyan soldier in Alshabab attack in Mandera county of Kenya. Mandera county areas had been under al-Shabaab attacks since 2011 when Kenya deployed its troops to Somalia to fight against al-Shabaab.

Two Al Shabaab fighters and a Kenyan Police officer were confirmed dead on Tuesday following heavy clashes between Kenya police and al-Shabaab fighters in Mandera county near Kenya’s border with Somalia.

A police officer who sought anonymity told the local media that heavily armed al-Shabaab fighters stormed a police camp at Sheikh Barrow locality in Lafey sub-county, prompting fierce gunfire which lasted for more than 15 minutes.

According to the officer, al-Shabaab fighters were defeated and disappeared into the area’s vast forest. The attack comes barely two weeks after al-Shabaab fighters attacked a police camp in Elram area, Elwak, Mandera County.

Mandera county areas had been under al-Shabaab attacks since 2011 when Kenya deployed its troops to Somalia to fight against al-Shabaab.