Sudan’s cabinet supports UAE mediation in dam disputes with Ethiopia

Sudan’s cabinet has supported an initiative for the United Arab Emirates to mediate in a dispute over Sudan’s border with Ethiopia, and over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), the Sudanese information minister said on Tuesday.

last week Ethiopia rejected calls by Sudan for having outside mediators, including the US, the EU, and the African Union, in the ongoing dispute over the filling and operating of the massive hydroelectric Renaissance Dam on the Nile River.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed insisted that his country does not want war with Sudan, calling for tensions over al-Fashaqa to be resolved peacefully.

Tensions surrounding the control of farmland in al-Fashqa, on the border, have escalated in recent months, while talks over the operation of the GERD, which will affect water volume downstream in the Sudanese portion of the Blue Nile, are deadlocked.