Somalis in South Africa Express Anger Over recent killings

Many Somalis traders in South Africa have begun Protests against the targeted killings on them. For the last five days, at least five Somali traders were killed by unknown South African armed men.

Somalis in South Africa have expressed anger over a recent Somalia traders killings in the country. According to reports, For the last five days, at least five Somali traders were killed by unknown South African armed men.

The protesting shopkeepers marched down Durban and Standford roads in Korsten, Port Elizabeth. They forcefully shut two shops they found open in Durban Road. They waved placards saying: “Stop killing us fellow Africans.”
These Somali traders told the media that they are killed and robbed every day because they are not prepared to pay the protection fee and The police fail to protect them while communities are also exploiting them.
In another incident on Friday, a 38-year-old shop owner was fatally shot and his assistant wounded when they were robbed at about 11:30am in Khama Street, Kwa Nobuhle.
Police confirmed the killings and said the Two people were shot dead in their shop in Vuku Street in New Brighton on Friday.

It is alleged that at about 7:30pm local time, the two victims aged between 23 and 25 years old were inside the shop when two suspects entered and shot both of them. One victim passed away at the scene while the other passed away on the way to hospital. Groceries, cigarettes and cash were taken.”