Somaliland Red Crescent Society Commemorates Global Handwashing Day in Burao


The Somaliland Red Crescent Society organized a ceremony in Burao to commemorate Global Handwashing Day, a global advocacy initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of handwashing in disease prevention and life-saving efforts.

The event, attended by notable figures, including the Chairman of Somaliland Red Crescent in Burao branch, Khadar Mohamed Awil, served as a platform to emphasize the significance of hand hygiene in public health.

Khadar delved into the teachings of Islam, citing Hadiths of Prophet Mohammed, to underscore the importance of maintaining health hygiene, particularly among the younger generation.

He stressed that human hands are common carriers of diseases, making it crucial for the global community to unite in recognizing October 15th as International Handwashing Day. This collective effort aims to prevent future diseases and reduce the incidence of spreading diseases.

Representatives from various districts in Burao echoed similar sentiments, urging young people to adhere to health instructions provided by healthcare professionals and organizations like the Somaliland Red Crescent.