Somaliland President dashes Somalia’s hope of reunion.


In his keynote speech at the heritage foundation of the United States, Somaliland President Muse Bihi has ruled out any possibilities of reunion between Somaliland and Somalia. He stated that talks between the two countries have demonstrated a complete lack of interest in meaningful dialogue and put all the blame on Somalia……….


Somaliland President Muse Bihi has put all the blame on Somaliland – Somalia talks failure on Somalia government for deliberately showing lack of interest. He alleged Somalia had used the dialogue to pursue policies aimed at weakening Somaliland’s independence and its ability to develop including weaponizing international aid and economic development.


President Bihi announced that there is no future in the continuation of dialogue with Somalia and is prepared to pursue all available avenues for international recognition. He asked the international community to have a moral obligation to support Somaliland’s pursuit of international recognition.


Bihi cleary dashes Somalia’s hope of reunion and tells his people are proud of their identity and country despite the road ahead being long and will demonstrate to their partners that Somaliland’s ultimate goal of international recognition should be granted.