Somalia’s South West State President Mobilizes Forces in Bay Region Ahead of Second Military Offensive


President Abdiasis Lafta Gareen of Somalia’s South West State, alongside the Defense Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, orchestrated the mobilization of local forces and communities in the Bay region in preparation for the imminent second military offensive.

Their visit to areas within the Dinsoor district facilitated meetings with national and regional forces, marking a collaborative effort in the lead-up to the forthcoming operations. Initial reports say, these high-ranking officials are actively engaging with local clans, urging them to contribute volunteer fighters, thereby bolstering the forces for the second phase of the operations.

The Federal Government has outlined the scope of the upcoming offensive, which will encompass South West state regions such as Bay, Bakol, and Lower Shabelle, and subsequently extend southwards to the Jubaland regions of Middle and Lower Juba, as well as Gedo regions.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has been overseeing operations in central regions from his operational base in Dhusamareb for the past months, emphasizing the sustained commitment to the operation until its ultimate success.