Somalia’s Minister of finance held separate meetings with Qatar, France and world bank officials


The Minister of Finance of Somalia, Bihi Iman Egeh who has been in Morocco for the last few days to attend the IMF/World bank annual meeting has engaged in sideline meetings with representatives from Qatar, France and the Africa Group 1 world bank executive director over Somalia’s economic status and debt relief process.

According to the ministry of finance of Somalia, Bihi Iman Egeh and his Qatari counterpart Ali bin Ahmad shared ideas on Somalia’s economic reform program success, Post debt future, and how to further enhance the Somalia-Qatar economic partnership.

During his meeting with the Africa Group 1 World Bank Executive Director, Dr. Floribert Ngaruko focused on Somalia’s stellar HIPC performance, post-HIPC plans, and enhancing World Bank engagement going forward.

The Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative was created in 1996 by the IMF, the World Bank and other multilateral, bilateral and commercial creditors to ensure that the poorest countries in the world are not overwhelmed by unmanageable or unsustainable debt burdens.