Somalia Rejects Mediation with Ethiopia over Somaliland Agreement, welcomes AU stance


In a strong and unequivocal statement, Somalia’s foreign ministry has declared that there will be no room for mediation with Ethiopia unless it retracts its recent agreement with the republic of Somaliland, welcoming AU’s affirmation to member states’ sovereignty.

The ministry’s remarks come in response to the African Union’s Peace and Security Council’s call for restraint and emphasized the need to respect Somalia’s sovereignty.
The tension stems from the agreement inked on January 1st between Ethiopia and Somaliland, which included the possibility of leasing part of Somaliland’s coastline to Ethiopia.
This move has elicited strong opposition from Somalia, which considers Somaliland an integral part of its territory. The Somali government denounced the agreement as an act of aggression, and on Thursday, officially labeled the deal as “illegal.”
Somalia’s rejection of mediation underscores the gravity of the situation and the firm stance taken by the government.
The dispute raises questions about the delicate balance of regional dynamics in the Horn of Africa, where longstanding territorial issues continue to fuel tensions.
The African Union’s Peace and Security Council convened on Wednesday to address the growing tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia triggered by a maritime agreement, calling for “restraint” and urging the nations to engage in “meaningful dialogue.”
The conflict resolution body expressed deep concern over the escalating situation and highlighted the potential adverse impact on regional peace, security, and stability.
However, Somalia’s foreign ministry appears resolute in its position, insisting on Ethiopia’s retraction from the controversial agreement with Somaliland before any negotiation or mediation can take place.