Somalia President Meets With CIA Director in Mogadishu



CIA Director William Burns visited Mogadishu, where he met with Somalia President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Mahad Salad, the head of the Somalia National Intelligence Agency.

Villa Somalia confirmed that they discussed regional issues of mutual interest and enhancing Somalia-U.S. strategic partnership in critical areas, including the fight against international terrorism and promoting regional stability.

Additional reports reveal that the officials discussed various issues, including critical points of the agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland. The ongoing crisis between Somalia and Ethiopia revolves around the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed on New Year’s Day. The agreement involves Ethiopia leasing a 20-kilometer coastal stretch in Somaliland as well the recognition of Somaliland by Ethiopia.

On Tuesday, the White House opposed the agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland, citing concerns about potential instability and threats to international counterterrorism efforts.

However, Somaliland and Ethiopia expressed unwavering commitment to implementing their deal and called on the international community to be respected on several occasions in the past few days.