Somalia: Jubaland Security Minister Sacked Allegedly Reaching Consensus with the Federal Government

The Jubaland state leader of Somalia Ahmed Madobe has fired his Security Minister Abdi Janan after reaching an agreement with the federal government. Though Janan has not yet reacted to this matter.

According to a statement issued by the Jubaland state of Somalia, the President of the state has finally sacked his Security minister Abdirashid Janan allegedly reaching a consensus with the federal government in which the regional administration has a political disagreement with it.

Janan’s sacking comes amid negotiations between Farmaajo and the two allied States of Somalia; Jubaland and Puntland. The Federal Government issued an international warrant of arrest against Janan early last year after he escaped custody in Mogadishu.
Janan was wanted for alleged human rights violations in the Gedo region. Jubbaland forces under the command of Janan fought with the Federal Government last year and this year in Belet Hawo resulting in deaths and displacements.
Though, Abdirashid Janan has not yet reacted to this case and if he confirms this allegations from the Jubaland administration. There will be questions about how the federal government will change its previously alleged him for human rights violations in the Gedo region.