Somalia: A technical Committee Says Deal reached on Electoral Deadlock

The recently appointed technical committee of Somalia over the elections has declared that a deal has been reached by the federal government officials and the state leaders to finalize the agreement and pave way for elections.

The Federal technical committee which recently appointed has said that a deal has been reached by the federal government officials and the state leaders to finalize the agreement and pave way for elections.

This committee which contains 14 members appointed by the federal government and federal member state leaders said Tuesday night all the contentious issues had been resolved but did not provide details on how they will be addressed.

Somalia’s President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo’s legitimate term ended on 8th February and still the country’s political stakeholders have not reached agreement on the election. The council of opposition presidential candidates said they will not recognise Farmajo as the legitimate President though the federal government said he will remain the President of the country until a new President is elected.

The Somalia International Partners has recently urged the leaders of the federal government and regional administrations to resolve their differences over the electoral process in Somalia and to base everything on the agreement reached by the leaders on September 17, 2020. And they warned Somalia Political stakeholders to fail to break a deadlock that could lead further election delays.