Shabelle River in Somalia Causes Displacement as It Breaches Banks


The regional administration has reported that the Shabelle River, which flows through Baledweyne’s neighborhoods, began breaching its banks from last night until Sunday morning, impacting various areas of the city.

Initial reports indicate significant flooding on Sunday morning in parts of Kooshin and Haawa Taako neighborhoods, particularly around Raadeerka, Kutiimbo, Dhagahjibis, and Shaah Ma’aan.

Residents in the affected neighborhoods have faced substantial displacement in recent days due to the Shabelle River flood. The long-feared event has compelled many individuals to evacuate their homes in search of a secure location.

Growing concerns surround the possibility of the river inundating sections of Bundaweyn and Howlwadaag neighborhoods. This recent flooding coincides with a widespread evacuation from Baledweyne’s neighborhoods, with a majority of residents seeking refuge in the EL-jaalle neighborhood on the outskirts of Baledweyne.