President Ruto to Abolish Visa Requirements for All Africans to boost trades


President William Ruto declared on Saturday that as of 2024, Africans traveling to Kenya will no longer require visas. The momentous statement was made during his keynote address at the Three Basins Climate Change Conference held in Brazzaville, Congo.

President Ruto delivered the significant news, proclaiming, “By the end of this year, no African will need a visa to enter Kenya. The time has come to understand the importance of doing trade between us.” This move is poised to have far-reaching implications for the continent.

The primary objective of this historic decision is to foster and invigorate trade relations between Kenya and its African neighbors.

President Ruto emphasized that increased trade among East African Community countries has been notably facilitated by the removal of visa requirements and tariffs.

Furthermore, President Ruto underscored the necessity of intensifying intra-African trade, urging the reduction of customs tariffs across the African continent to expedite the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area.

He highlighted the importance of creating a seamless environment for the free movement of goods, services, people, and ideas across the entire continent.

The President’s address also included an endorsement of countries in tropical forest basins for their forest protection efforts, characterizing this as a wise climate action. Acknowledging the significance of environmental preservation, the President’s speech at the Three Basins Climate Change Conference encapsulated multiple dimensions of African unity and progress.