President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud Addresses Devastating Floods in Somalia


In response to the unprecedented floods that have inflicted widespread devastation upon Somalia, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud addressed the nation, expressing grave concern over the catastrophic impact on the Somali people. The heavy rains and flooding, described as “once-in-a-century” by the United Nations, have claimed nearly 100 lives, displaced an estimated 700,000 individuals, and left a trail of destruction across various regions since October.

President Mohamud conveyed his deepest sympathies to the families who have lost loved ones and to those who have been displaced, acknowledging the profound challenges the nation is currently facing. He commended the international assistance received thus far and highlighted the resilience of the Somali people in the face of this natural disaster.
“The floods that have struck our beloved country are unprecedented and have brought immense suffering to our people,” President Mohamud stated during his address. “I extend my heartfelt condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones and express solidarity with those who are enduring the hardships of displacement.”
The President acknowledged the collaborative efforts of various relief organizations, both domestic and international, in providing immediate aid and support. He stressed the importance of continued cooperation to address the urgent needs of those affected, including access to shelter, clean water, and medical assistance.
“The Somali spirit is strong, and in times of adversity, we come together as a nation. I commend the resilience of our people and the dedication of the relief organizations working tirelessly on the ground,” President Mohamud remarked.
He also highlighted the government’s commitment to coordinating relief efforts and ensuring that assistance reaches the most affected areas promptly. President Mohamud urged citizens to adhere to safety guidelines provided by authorities and relief agencies and called for unity in the face of this natural disaster.
The President concluded his address by expressing gratitude to the international community for their solidarity and support, emphasizing the importance of sustained efforts to rebuild and rehabilitate the affected regions.
Recall that according to Save the Children, a staggering 90% of the city’s population has been compelled to evacuate their residences.
Additionally, the Gedo region in southern Somalia encountered severe flooding, characterized by the overflow of the Juba River, resulting in the loss of livestock, displacement of numerous individuals, and the destruction of crucial bridges.