Over 90 Students Hospitalized in Kenya over Mystery Illness


More than 90 students from Eregi Girls High School in the western region of Kenya have been admitted to local hospitals, sparking a thorough investigation by health authorities to identify the root cause of this enigmatic illness.

The students, primarily displaying difficulties walking and experiencing knee pain, were swiftly transported to nearby medical facilities, leading to heightened anxiety among parents and the local community.

In response to this alarming situation, a senior education ministry official, who visited the school on Tuesday, assured parents that the situation is under control.

He further declared that classes for other pupils would proceed as usual.

Jared Obiero, the regional director of education, stated, “The education department, county government, and public health department are committed to ensuring the affected children receive the necessary medical care.”

To unravel the mystery behind this sudden health crisis, blood, urine, and stool samples from the afflicted students have been expedited to laboratories in Kisumu, a neighboring city, as well as the capital, Nairobi.

The entire medical community is eagerly anticipating conclusive results, which are anticipated to be available later today.