Opposition Presidential Candidates of Jubaland State Meet in Mogadishu to Discuss Electoral Strategy


Opposition presidential candidates representing Somalia’s Jubaland state, accompanied by traditional elders, convened in Mogadishu to strategize for the forthcoming regional presidential election and to formulate political initiatives aimed at challenging the incumbent leadership.

During the discussions, prominent speakers echoed a unified stance, voicing concerns over the perceived extension of President Ahmed Madobe’s mandate and allegations of reluctance to facilitate a peaceful transition of power, contentions refuted by Madobe’s administration on multiple occasions.

Abdweli Qasim, a presidential contender, elucidated the rationale behind convening in Mogadishu rather than Kismayo, citing constraints on political freedoms in the latter.

The assembled candidates collectively called upon President Madobe to adhere to the electoral schedule, ensure a seamless transfer of authority, and honor the aspirations of the electorate for new leadership, emphasizing the duration of his tenure in the region.