Morocco Applauds Temporary Truce in Gaza, Calls for Lasting Peace.


Morocco has expressed its support for the recently announced temporary truce agreement aimed at ending the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

The North African nation commended the mediation efforts of Qatar, Egypt, and the United States that played a pivotal role in brokering the agreement.

Speaking at a joint press conference in Rabat alongside the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Libya, Abdoulaye Bathily, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, emphasized the importance of the truce.

He described it as a crucial step that could mark a significant milestone in the pursuit of a lasting and verifiable ceasefire, adding that the temporary truce will serve as a vital mechanism for delivering humanitarian aid and facilitating relief efforts for the Palestinian people.

Minister Bourita highlighted the interconnectedness of crises in the Middle East and stressed that recognizing the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state is crucial to breaking the cycle of succession crises.

In line with the vision articulated by His Majesty the King of Morrocco, King Mohammed VI, Bourita said Morocco’s commitment to ending the crisis in the Middle East goes beyond crisis management and emphasized the necessity of de-escalation to enable the smooth delivery of humanitarian aid.

Minister Bourita urged the international community to foster new perspectives and work towards radical solutions to fundamental questions, particularly ensuring the Palestinian people’s enjoyment of their rights.

He called for a shift from crisis management logic to a genuine political process that would pave the way for a two-State solution which envisions the establishment of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with Al Quds as its capital, coexisting with an Israeli state