Libyan Minister of economy and trade harmers on harnessing country’s digital economy


The Minister of Economy and Trade, Mohamed Al-Hwej, chaired a significant meeting at the Ministry’s Tripoli office focusing on the development of a robust digital economy and e-commerce sector in Libya. The wide-ranging discussion involved prominent figures including Saad Al-Hanish, Undersecretary for Economic Affairs, and Ahmed Al-Darwish, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Libya Trade Network, alongside representatives from various governmental bodies and international organizations.

During the meeting, attendees were presented with a comprehensive overview of the ongoing digital transformation project at the Ministry of Economy and Trade, as well as its associated ministries and governmental bodies. The presentation delved into the challenges and obstacles hindering the project’s implementation, seeking collaborative solutions. Participants actively engaged in discussions aimed at overcoming these hurdles and advancing the implementation stages in partnership with the European Union delegation and Expertise

Minister Al-Hwej underscored the critical importance of fostering cooperation among the Ministry’s departments and affiliated bodies, in conjunction with other ministries and entities aligned with the national vision for constructing a digital economy. He issued directives for the formulation of a vision document focused on enhancing legislation and regulations governing pertinent sectors. The Minister emphasized the necessity of executing the project through highly skilled national professionals, ensuring technical support in collaboration with esteemed researchers and international experts associated with the European Union mission and Expertise France.

This meeting marks a significant step forward in Libya’s digital transformation journey, demonstrating the nation’s commitment to embracing technological advancements and fostering economic growth through e-commerce initiatives. Further collaborative efforts are expected to drive this transformative agenda, paving the way for a digitally empowered future in Libya.