Kenyan Senate Debate Erupts over Criticism of Speaker amid Somaliland Diplomatic Dispute


Kenyan senators engaged in a heated debate on Thursday over whether to summon Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary (PS) Korir Sing’oei for publicly criticizing Senate Speaker Amason Kingi regarding the nation’s stance on Somaliland. The clash arose from a social media exchange between Kingi and Dr. Sing’oei, sparking differing opinions on how to respond.

While some senators condemned the PS for faulting the Senate Speaker on diplomatic matters in public, Majority Leader Aaron Cheruiyot and Whip Boni Khalwale defended Sing’oei’s actions.
Senators demanded that Sing’oei be summoned to the House to address the alleged demeaning of Kingi in public and issue an apology, citing a breach of the civil service code of conduct.
The dispute originated after Kingi referred to Somaliland as a ‘republic’ with historical ties to Kenya. Sing’oei clarified Kenya’s position, asserting that the only recognized state entity is the Federal Republic of Somalia.
Despite Kingi deleting the post, the debate in the Senate shifted towards the respectful conduct of senior government officials rather than foreign policy.
Senator Stewart Madzayo, also the Minority Leader, labeled Sing’oei’s actions as an insult and embarrassment to the House, calling for the committee on National Security, Defence, and Foreign Relations to summon the PS.
The debate underscored the importance of maintaining decorum in exchanges between government officials and emphasized the Senate’s role in considering matters of national interest.