Qatar Starts $200 Million Road Projects in Somalia

On 28 November 2017, Khalifa Bin Jassim of the Qatari Development Fund and the Somalia Minister for Planning, signed a 200-million USD project to rehabilitate and re-build two life-line projects that connect the FGS capital, Mogadishu to the states of HirShabelle and the Southwest.

Development projects, including those of the roads, were later, on 13 December, formally inked to put them on the implementation road.

Minister Jamal Mohamed Hassan expressed his delight at the ‘honor’ at the time on Twitter.

The Rehabilitation projects are, virtually, re-shoring and re-paving of eroded, old tarmac roads each around 30 kilometers on the Afgoi side and about 90 km on the Jowhar side of the federal government seat.

Qatar bounced in on an opportunity to stamp its influence on the Horn of Africa country after the United Arab Emirates severed ties with it on June 5, 2017, following a series of mishaps that severely strained – and finally severed – the two countries’ relations.

An unnamed Turkish company has won the reconstruction of the roads – naturally.