Farmaajo calls for another dialogue as Puntland demands it’s held in Mogadishu

The former Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo whose term lapsed on February 8 has yet again called for a pre-election dialogue, suggesting that all stakeholders should meet in Garowe on Feb 15, just almost a fortnight after the same conference collapsed in Dhusamareeb.

The country has literally been held hostage as the current regime fails to hold elections in time, despite pressure from the international community and local political actors. Ideally, the country was set to go for elections from December last year.

In a statement posted by Villa Somalia, Farmajo, whose legitimacy has been questioned by opposition leaders, said he will meet stakeholders on February 15 ostensibly to discuss the fate of the country’s elections and the need for implementation of a pre-election deal.

In September last year, the actors met in Mogadishu and came up with a series of resolutions which are after all yet to be implemented. Puntland and Jubaland have often raised concerns about the country’s commitment towards the implementation of the elections in the country.

“H.E Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo President of the Federal Republic of Somalia shall, on Monday 15th Feb 2021, host a Federal and State level Summit on the implementation of the 17 Sep Elections Agreement. The leadership convention will be held in Garowe, Puntland State of Somalia,” Villa Somalia said.

But in a rejoinder, while welcoming another round of dialogue, Puntland state which has been critical of the government’s lack of commitment to implement the September pre-election deal, added that the conference should be held in Mogadishu, instead of Garowe, the regional administrative capital of the state.

“Puntland welcomes the call to resume the election dialogue to resolve the impasse through not consulted with Puntland on the invitation to Garowe. Puntland proposes the meeting to happen in Mogadishu with the presence of the International Community and the political stakeholders whilst FGS mandates come to an end on Feb 8,” Puntland State House noted.

Garowe has been literally the headquarters of dissent against the regime of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, whose term expired. Regional leader Said Abdullahi Deni has often accused Mogadishu of a lack of commitment to ending the stalemate.

Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame, the leader of the Wadajir party which is the main opposition, said the move to call for another dialogue is a strategy to evoke emotions and probably trigger a response from the United Nations Security Council which has been critical in Somalia’s stability.

“It’s a deliberate diversion tactic by Farmajo aimed at the UN Security Council meeting on Somalia. He rejected an agreement with two days remaining on his mandate in Dhusamareb. How can anyone believe him now that he has none? He wondered in a tweet.