Axiom International Officials Meet Somalilands Minister Of Justice To Discuss Security Developmen And Justice System

Hargeisa (CBATV) – Officials from Axiom International Ltd have today met the Minister for Justice in somaliland, during which they discussed how to develop the capacity and capability to develop effective security and justice systems in the country.

The Ministry of justicve in Somaliland has patnered with UKAid through the implementing agency Axiom to  improve governance; community safety; security; judicial and prison systems; policing; forensic infrastructure and capability; and national defence capabilities and how to integrate these complementary fields of activity in innovative and imaginative ways to suit other, individual jurisdictions.

Axiom is implementing #UKaid projects such as supporting
prison staff; building work at the prison; leadership trainings; innovation of
the judicial Crime Management System; & the new Coast Guard operations

The project funded through the UK’s foreign and Commonwealth
Office is expected to streamline access to justice in Somaliland.