Headline: Indonesia Extends Lifeline to Flood-Hit Libya with 45 Tons of Aid


Indonesia has dispatched a humanitarian aid plane loaded with 45 tons of essential supplies worth one million dollars to assist the flood-stricken regions of Libya, including the city of Derna.

The aid, which arrived in Benghazi on October 2, comprises tents, electricity generators, mattresses, clothing, shrouds, body bags, solar lamps, ready-to-eat food items, and baby formula, offering vital relief to those affected by the calamity.

Led by BNPB Principal Secretary Rustian, the Indonesian team included representatives from various ministries and institutions, underscoring the nation’s collective commitment to extending a helping hand to those in need.

The Libyan Red Crescent and the Red Cross warmly embraced Indonesia’s initiative, expressing their gratitude for the timely aid delivery. Omar Budbous, the Secretary-General of the Red Crescent in Benghazi, praised the Indonesian government and its people for their unwavering support during Libya’s challenging times. He emphasized the profound significance of this assistance, particularly for the beleaguered residents of Derna.