Ethiopia Celebrates National Day with Warm Wishes from Global Leaders


Ethiopia today commemorates its National Day with heartfelt messages of congratulations and support from leaders around the world, marking a significant milestone in its history and diplomatic relations. In a press statement, U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken extended the best wishes of the United States to the people of Ethiopia.

“On behalf of the United States of America, I extend our best wishes to Ethiopia as you celebrate your National Day,” Blinken stated.
Highlighting the 120 years of diplomatic relations between the two nations, he expressed a commitment to strengthening ties and deepening cooperation.
“The United States will support efforts to advance peace through dialogue, ensure our mutual economic security, and cooperatively tackle global issues such as climate change and health. The American people stand with the Ethiopian people as you endeavor to overcome challenges and deliver a brighter future,” he added.
In a similar gesture, His Highness the Deputy Amir Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Thani of Qatar sent a cable of congratulations to President Sahle-Work Zewde of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
His message underscored the friendly relations between Qatar and Ethiopia and extended best wishes for the country’s continued progress and prosperity.
Ethiopia’s National Day is a time of celebration and reflection, commemorating the nation’s rich cultural heritage and achievements.
This year’s observance is especially poignant, given the international support and recognition of Ethiopia’s efforts to promote peace and development.