Egypt’s Republican People’s Party Leader Hazem Omar Submits Presidential Candidacy Paper


Hazem Omar, the head of the Republican People’s Party in Egypt and a prominent member of the House of Representatives, officially entered the presidential race today by submitting his candidacy papers to the National Elections Authority (NEA). Backed by dozens of enthusiastic supporters and members of his presidential campaign, Omar made his candidacy official in a show of strength and solidarity.

Members of the Republican People’s Party, led by Hazem Omar, gathered in front of their main headquarters in Cairo since the early hours of the morning. Clad in shirts bearing their candidate’s name and the electoral slogan, “Together we can change,” they held up pictures and banners displaying the party’s slogan. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the party leaders, MPs, and supporters prepared to accompany Omar to the NEA’s headquarters to submit the crucial candidacy papers.

The Republican People’s Party orchestrated a vibrant march, featuring a convoy of dozens of cars adorned with campaign materials, from their headquarters to the NEA’s headquarters in downtown Cairo. This visually striking event aimed to promote Omar’s candidacy and engage with the public.

Zaher al-Shakanqiri, the official spokesperson for Omar’s campaign, confirmed that the potential presidential candidate garnered significant support, receiving 46 endorsements from fellow members of the House of Representatives. As part of the rigorous candidacy process, Omar underwent a thorough medical examination assessing his physical and mental well-being. The final examination reports were submitted alongside his nomination papers, emphasizing his commitment to transparency and readiness for the presidential race.

The National Elections Authority has kept its doors open for the ninth consecutive day, receiving applications from aspiring presidential candidates. Thus far, three candidates have officially entered the race, namely the incumbent President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Farid Zahran, and Abdel-Sanad Yamama. The NEA is scheduled to release the initial list of candidates and the number of supporters for each contender on Monday, October 16, providing a clearer picture of the competitive landscape for the upcoming presidential elections.