Egyptian President refuses displaced Palestinians onto its land


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi in a statement confirmed that Cairo “has not and will never allow the displacement of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to Egyptian territories.”
During a phonecall with his American counterpart, Joe Biden, Abdel Fattah stressed Cairo’s position regarding “the necessity to reach an immediate humanitarian truce, so as to enhance Egypt’s intensive efforts in cooperation with the United Nations and all international actors, primarily the United States, to deliver humanitarian, medical and relief aid to the people of the Gaza Strip.”

He called attention to Egypt’s firm position of rejecting policies of collective punishment and displacement.
In turn, the Biden maintained that “the United States rejects the displacement of Palestinians outside their lands,” according to the Egyptian Presidency’s statement.

The two presidents discussed the latest happenings in the issue of Israeli prisoners of war held in the Gaza Strip.

It was reported that the former Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said that Palestinians in Gaza should leave their residences and move to the Sinai Desert in Egypt, where provisional tent cities could be secured for them, amid Israel’s bombardment of the besieged enclave.