Somali PM meets with new Police chiefs

Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire has Thursday toured the headquarters of
the Police Force where he held meetings with the newly appointed police boss,
General Abdi Mohamed Hassan ‘Hajar and his two deputies.

The meeting discussed a range of security-related issues, principally on
ways to expedite the police reforms agendas, enhance security in the capital
and as well deploy police forces in areas liberated from the militant group

The police chiefs briefed the Prime Minister on the police tasks and
assured the premier of their commitment to spearhead efforts to better enhance
the quality of the police.

Years of a violent conflict took a toll on the capacity of Somalia’s once robust police force. The collapse of the State, police systems and other national security apparatus led to a devastating breakdown in the rule of law and increased criminality, impacting the public’s ability to feel safe.

More than 6,000 men and women, from the older generation and youth
currently make up Somalia’s growing Federal and State Police Forces. These
community members have made it their life’s mission to courageously train and
transform into the best officers they can become – officers capable of
maintaining law and order and competently protecting lives and property in
their communities.

The AMISOM Police component which helps the Somali Police is made up of the
Formed Police Unit (FPUs) and Individual Police Officers (IPOs) in providing
operational support to train, mentor and advice the Somali Police Force (SPF)

AMISOM Police in Somalia has been playing a critical role in ensuring that
the Somali Police Force is adequately capacitated and is capable of taking full
charge of policing activities in the country ahead of AMISOM’s exit in 2021.