Somali leaders gather in Kismayo to attend inauguration of Jubbaland President

At least 15 political leaders from Nothern Kenya are set to attend Jubbaland inauguration.
Confirming the delegation that is expected at Said Abdille Hassan Airport in Kismayu on Saturday, Garissa Township legislator Aden Duale said he will lead the team that will attend the inauguration of the Jubbaland leader, Ahmed Islam “Madobe.”

The delegation will be made up of a governor, senators and members of parliament from Wajir, Garissa and Mandera counties.

Kenya’s leader of the majority who has recently been accused of having a Somali passport told a local broadcaster that he will be leading the delegation from Kenya without divulging further information on the names contained in the list of the leaders that will accompany him in the delegation.

The Nothern Kenya delegation will join other Somali leaders drawn from opposition parties and the president of Puntland, Abdullahi Deni.

Immediate Somali former President, Hasan Sheikh Mohamud and his predecessor, Sheikh Shariff Sheikh Ahmed arrived late in the afternoon on Thursday from Mogadishu’s Aden Adde International Airport. They were accompanied by Federal MPs and senators.

The Mogadishu delegates were preceded by another delegation from Puntland State led by the president, Said Abdullahi Deni and several regional legislators. President Deni was accompanied by the former Puntland leader, Abdullahi Faroole.

Deni who was received by Jubalands president elect Ahmed Madobe said he was happy with the direction taken by the people of Jubaland.The president also urged the federal government in Mogadishu not to use the airspace as a weapon to frustrate the opposition.

“people of Puntland were happy and in support of the direction taken by the people of Jubbaland. We will not allow the control of the airspace to be used as a weapon of oppression,”

President Deni stated. He was reacting to an incident two weeks ago where former President, Sheikh Sharif was stopped at the Aden Adde Airport as he prepared to board a flight to Kismayu. The incident caused major political re-alignment and possible coalition ahead of the 2020 presidential elections.
Both delegations were welcomed by the Jubbaland State President, Ahmed Madobe whose re-election victory was challenged by the federal president, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo.