Germany announces additional $73 mln in aid to Somalia

Germany and Somalia agreed on increasing German development support to Somalia by 73m USD, underscoring German trust in a positive trajectory of Somalia. Funds will be invested in including growth, job creation, productive infrastructure as well as rural Agriculture Development.

Ambassador Annett Gunther made the announcement
while hosting a celebration in Mogadishu to mark German Unity Day attended by
Somali Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire.

Amb Annett Gunther said “To support Somalia on its path, Germany is increasing its support in its development cooperation by $73 million over the next two years,” said Gunther.

Somali’s prime minister Hassan Ali Kheire said
the Somali government is learning from Germany, its fast experience in

Also present at the event was the Speaker of the
Upper House, Abdi Hashi Abdullahi, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmed Isse Awad
and other members of the Somali government.

Ambassador Annett Gunther noted that the
substantial support by the German government honors the progress made by the
Somali people.

The event, which took place at the European Union
Diplomatic Compound, commemorated the 29th anniversary of the reunification of
Germany on Oct. 3, 1990.