Death toll from Johannesburg tragic Fire Climbs 74


Death toll from the devastating fire which ripped through a five-story building in central Johannesburg that had been repurposed as informal housing, has reached 74 with dozens more injured. City authorities have mobilized rescue teams who meticulously combed through the building’s floors in a desperate search for survivors, recovering charred bodies and laying them on the streets.

Among the victims, city officials revealed during a news conference on Thursday afternoon, were at least 12 children.
Rescue officials have reported that the fire has been successfully extinguished, but the toll it has taken on lives and livelihoods is profound. According to Robert Mulaudzi, a spokesperson for the city’s emergency services, over 50 individuals sustained injuries in addition to the tragic loss of life.
One survivor, Wiseman Mpepa, recounted his harrowing experience, stating that he was awakened by the sound of people screaming in terror.
Discovering that the fire had blocked the building’s exit, he resorted to breaking his window but faced great difficulty in escaping the inferno.
Mpepa made efforts to guide others in the building toward a gate as an alternate exit, but to his dismay, the gate was closed, leaving them trapped.
Videos captured moments after the fire’s eruption depict massive, searing orange flames engulfing the lower floors of the building, with scores of people helplessly observing the horrifying scene from outside.
While the exact cause of the blaze remains shrouded in uncertainty, authorities at the scene have provided no indication of deliberate foul play. The fire ignited around 1:30 a.m. local time, catching many residents inside the building while they were asleep.
South Africa’s President, Cyril Ramaphosa, expressed his condolences and characterized the incident as a profound “tragedy.”