Biden commends House for passing Covid-19 relief bill

President Joe Biden of the United States of America has expressed his words of appreciation to the House of Representatives for the passage of the $1.9 trillion pandemic relief bill he championed.

The new president’s vision for infusing cash across a struggling economy to individuals, businesses, schools, states and cities battered by COVID-19 passed by 219-212 vote.

The bill will then head to the Senate, where Democrats seem bent on resuscitating their minimum wage push and fights could erupt over state aid and other issues.

The overall relief bill would provide $1,400 payments to individuals, extend emergency unemployment benefits through August and increase tax credits for children and federal subsidies for health insurance.

It also provides billions for schools and colleges, state and local governments, COVID-19 vaccines and testing, renters, food producers and struggling industries like airlines, restaurants, bars and concert venues.

Democrats have called the bill necessary to speed up vaccinations and sustain households at a time when roughly 19 million people are receiving jobless benefits.

However, the Republicans said the bill was too expensive and said too few education dollars would be spent quickly to immediately reopen schools.

They claimed that the bill was laden with gifts to Democratic constituencies like labor unions and funneled money to Democratic-run states they suggested didn’t need it because their budgets had bounced back.

Biden and Democrats want the bill passed by mid-March, before the current unemployment insurance benefits provided in an earlier relief package expires.