Algerian President returns home after successful surgery

The President of Algeria Abdelmadjid Tebboune has returned home after a month in Germany for post coronavirus surgery. The 75-year-old president had been hospitalised in Germany last year after contracting COVID-19.

Algeria has so far recorded more than 110,000 coronavirus cases, including at least 2,900 deaths from COVID-19, since the pandemic began. The recent travel by Abdelmadjid Tebboune is his second time in a German hospital, this time for an operation on his right foot related to the illness’ after-effects.

Upon his return, Tebboune said he spoke on the phone with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier to thank him for the care he received in Germany.

The return of the president to Algeria comes amid tension in the North African nation ahead of the second anniversary of the launch of the Hirak protests on February 22.

Hirak protests continued after Bouteflika’s was forced out of office, demanding a full overhaul of the ruling system in place since Algeria’s 1962 independence from France.

Among the key issues that await him include the development of the new electoral law ahead of anticipated local and legislative elections slated to be held by the end of the year. A government reshuffle is also expected.