Algerian Democracy Activist Ahmed Zaoui Arrested by Security Forces Amidst Ongoing Crackdown


Ahmed Zaoui, a prominent democracy activist hailing from New Zealand, has been arrested in Medea, Algeria, by Algerian government security forces. According to human rights lawyer Deborah Manning, Zaoui was apprehended at gunpoint during a political meeting at his home on Tuesday morning for his comments on the Algerian political and human rights situation.

Manning revealed that Zaoui was taken into custody by eight masked men from special forces, claiming they were acting on orders from the capital in Algiers. The activist, known for his messages of peace and dialogue, was having tea with his family at the time of his arrest. He is currently being held in a police station jail, causing grave concern among his family members.

Zaoui, a political refugee from Algeria, gained prominence in New Zealand after seeking asylum in 2002. He faced a five-year legal battle against the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS), which deemed him a security risk. Despite these challenges, Zaoui was eventually released on bail in 2007 after the NZSIS withdrew its security risk certificate, conceding that he was not involved in terrorism. He later became a New Zealand citizen in 2014.

His recent arrest in Algeria comes amidst a widespread crackdown by Algerian security services. Amnesty International reported that, as of the end of 2022, at least 280 activists, human rights defenders, and protesters were incarcerated on charges related to the peaceful exercise of their rights to freedom of expression and assembly. The authorities continued to target individuals expressing dissent online or participating in protests, using anti-terrorism laws to prosecute activists and journalists, and even threatening the closure of associations.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade confirmed that they are providing consular assistance to Zaoui’s family but declined further comments, citing privacy reasons.