Al Shabaab fighters claim responsibility for Syl Hotel attack


Al Qaeda-linked Al Shabaab fighters have claimed responsibility for the attack of the popular Syl Hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital. This is not the first time Syl Hotel near the president’s office will be under shelling.

On Thursday evening, a pair of explosions rocked the hotel where important personalities such as government functionaries patronize frequently.

It was reported that gunfire followed the blasts with unidentified attackers spraying bullets across the Syl Hotel.

As at the time of filing in this report efforts to speak with Police and other government spokespeople proved abortive.

Two security officers who spoke on account of anonymity said militants had gained entrance to the hotel.

Different reports sources indicated that that multiple people had been injured in the attack, including officials and parliamentarians.

The number of casualties is yet not be announced by Somalia authority