Al-Shabaab Ambush on Ethiopian Soldiers leaves over 167 Dead


In a devastating attack in western Somalia, Al-Shabaab fighters have reportedly ambushed Ethiopian soldiers, resulting in the tragic loss of at least 167 lives. However, the Ethiopian embassy in Mogadishu has vehemently denied the assertion, dismissing it as “propaganda.”

According to local media reports, the ambush occurred as Ethiopian troops attempted to advance in the region. Surviving Ethiopian soldiers were taken captive, and the progress of Ethiopian forces has been halted. The militants successfully destroyed Ethiopian military equipment and seized a significant cache of weapons, as reported by Sputnik, citing the Somali Guardian news portal.

In response to Al-Shabaab’s claim of killing 167 Ethiopian soldiers, the Ethiopian embassy in Mogadishu has vehemently denied the assertion, dismissing it as “propaganda.”

The embassy spokesperson emphasized that they are still gathering information and urged the public to rely on credible sources for accurate updates on the situation.

So far, both the Ethiopian armed forces and the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) have refrained from providing official comments on the attack, leaving many questions unanswered about the circumstances and potential repercussions of this event.

The Ethiopian military had been seeking to reinforce its forward operating base in the town of Wajid, which has remained under the control of militants for nearly a decade, according to the news portal’s information. This operation was part of the ongoing efforts to address security challenges in the region.

Al-Shabaab, an armed group affiliated with the al-Qaeda network, has a notorious history of carrying out numerous terrorist operations across Africa, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians. The group has consistently targeted government troops and African Union peacekeeping forces, both in the Somali capital of Mogadishu and other parts of the country.

Since July 2022, Somali government forces, in cooperation with armed tribesmen, have actively engaged in military operations aimed at countering the threat posed by Al-Shabaab. However, despite these efforts, the recent ambush on Ethiopian soldiers underscores the persistent challenges faced by regional security forces in combating this extremist group.