UAE firm to invest, take over Bosaso Airport

Bosaso (CBATV) – The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has announced that it will be expanding Bossaso airport, the regional capital of Bari, said a visiting a UAE delegation.

The delegation visited the airport in Bossaso, touring the different departments of the airport. The visiting Abu Dhabi authorities have said that construction is expected to begin soon in the port city of Bossaso.
Puntland Minister of Civil Aviation and Airport Hussein Osman Lugatoor told reporters that the airport is preparing to be one of the best airports in the region, providing adequate service.

The exact date of the planned expansion of Bossaso Airport has not been announced.

The President of Puntland State of Somalia, Said Abdullahi Deni, has said that the Bossaso airport has been handed over to the UAE-based company.
Although the Puntland President did not name the Company, he expressed confidence that the company will have the financial strength to invest in the airport and attract international flights to Puntland.

President Deni, on the other hand, defended the decision to hand over control of the Bossaso airport, saying the country needed investment to develop no matter where it comes from.
President Deni’s statement comes as the funding for the Port of Bosaso, now managed by DP-World, has not yet begun.

Some criticize that the Emiratis’ take-over to main infrastructure is not paying fruits, although the government’s alleged investment in the Bosaso seaport was delayed by the killing of the director of Bosaso’s DP-World, Paul Farmosa.
It’s not yet known if the Federal Government of Somalia will support the move, given it never gave its blessings to DP World takeover of Bossaso port.