Mogadishu, Somalia, – Somalia and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) today launched a new US$10 million climate adaptation project to help rural communities secure access to diminishing water supplies. More…
Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya sheekh Shariif Sh Axmed ahna gudoomiyaha madal ay ku midaysanyihiin qaar ka mid ah xisbiyadda siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya oo habeenimadii ay isniintu soo galaysay 10-ka novenber…
The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, Hassan Ali Khaire, has arrived in France to attend the annual Paris Peace Forum which will be held between November 11-13,…
President Mohammed Abdullahi Farmajo has left for Kenya to attend the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD25) that will be held in Nairobi between 12th and 14 November 2019.…
Muqdisho, Axad, Nofeembar 10, 2019—Ra’iisul Wasaaraha xukuumadda federaalka Soomaaliya mudane Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa maanta u safray dalka Fanasiiska oo uu uga qayb gelayo shirka sannadlaha ah ee madasha nabadda…
Reports from Galgadud region indicates that the commander of Ahlu Sunna Waljama’a in Guriel town has defected to the Somali federal government forces. Ahlu Sunna’s commander, Abdul Dahir Roble Adde…
Today, about 10,000 children (50% girls) in Somaliland will have access to expanded quality education through improved learning environment, thanks to the school infrastructure support provided by the European Union.…
East African heads of state are expected in Arusha on November 30 for the 21st Ordinary Summit as the Community marks its 20th anniversary while faced with several unaccomplished goals.…