Somaliland MP cancels trip to Kismayo, after criticism

HARGEISA (CBATV) – Somaliland Member of Parliament goes back on his decision to attend the inauguration ceremony of Jubbaland president-elect Ahmed Islan. Nasir Ali Shire, the member of parliament from the Togdheer region, announced on Sunday that he’s not going to Kismayo for the inauguration…..

Nasir Ali Shire, a member of Somaliland parliament is not going to Kismayo anymore. In a press conference at Berbera, the MP cited overwhelming communication from the people of Somaliland demanding him to cancel his trip.

The MP said the speaker of the House of Representatives was among the people who talked to him about this issue.

I am announcing that I have changed my decision to attend the inauguration ceremony in Jubbaland. I have changed my mind for the sake of the nation’s interest and in deference to the people of Somaliland who saw the matter differently than I did.

MP Nasir Ali added that reading the law passed by parliament on participating in Somalia affairs also played a role in his decision.

This reversal came a day after the chairman of the interior committee of Somaliland’s House of Representatives said attending the inauguration of Jubaland leader is illegal.

MP Hussein Balaki said that any Somalilander who participates in that ceremony is breaking the law.

He added that the Somaliland parliament has issued a law against participating in Somalia’s political affairs in 2003.