A french man attempts to cross the Atlantic ocean in barrel

Onto some very interesting news,A Frenchman has set off to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a barrel-shaped orange capsule, using ocean currents alone to propel him.

71-year-old Jean-Jacques Savin, left Spain’s Canary Islands and he hopes to reach the Caribbean in as little as three months……….

His reinforced capsule contains a sleeping bunk, kitchen and storage. The barrel is 3m long and 2.10m wide with six square metres of living space. There is a porthole in the floor through which Mr Savin can watch passing fish. His stores include a bottle of white wine for New Year’s Eve. He also has a bottle of red wine to celebrate his 72nd birthday on 14 January.

He will drop markers along the way to help oceanographers study Atlantic currents.

In a telephone call, he told news sources that The weather is great and that he has a swell of one metre. He will be moving at 2-3km/h,” He also said that the winds will be favourable until sunday and his barel which is designed to withstand constant battering waves is behaving very well.

Mr Savin is a former military paratrooper and has also worked as a park ranger and a pilot.

He believes ocean currents alone will carry his resin-coated plywood vessel about 4,500km (2,800 miles) to the Caribbean.