Egypt Lauds Spain, Ireland, and Norway for Recognizing State of Palestine


Egypt has welcomed the recent decision by Spain, Ireland, and Norway to officially recognize the State of Palestine, describing it as a step towards fostering international efforts to establish an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

In a statement issued Thursday, Egyptian officials emphasized the importance of this recognition, noting that it aligns with the principles of justice and fairness.

Egypt urged other nations that have yet to support the recognition of the State of Palestine to follow suit, towards peace and the realization of Palestinian aspirations for statehood.

Egypt also renewed its call for urgent intervention by the United Nations Security Council and other international entities to address the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, particularly in the city of Rafah.

The statement highlighted the need for immediate action to aid the Palestinian people in overcoming the challenges they face.

The announcement by Spain, Ireland, and Norway adds them to a growing list of European Union countries that have recognized Palestine, including Bulgaria, Poland, Czechia, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, South Cyprus, and Sweden.