Ethiopia Seeks Diplomatic Resolution in Face of Tension with Somalia over Somaliland Port Deal


Ethiopian National Security Adviser Redwan Hussien has expressed the nation’s willingness to engage in diplomatic dialogue to douse the tensions with Somalia over a controversial port deal with the republic of Somaliland. In a statement posted on X (formerly Twitter), Mr. Redwan affirmed Addis Ababa’s openness to “listen to” friendly nations to lower the rhetoric surrounding the issue.

On his official X handle Mr. Redwan stated “as part of our commitment, we shall redouble our effort to ensure a better understanding. Will listen to friends for a possible coordination of efforts lowering rhetoric,”
He further emphasized Ethiopia’s determination to work towards a mutually beneficial resolution, stating, “Will continue striving to steadily reach a conclusion with amicable considerations which benefit all.”
The dispute between Somalia and Ethiopia was exacerbated on Monday when Mr. Redwan criticized what he referred to as “meddling by opportunistic external actors” in the ongoing disagreement.
While not explicitly naming Egypt, the comments were widely interpreted as a response to Egypt’s warnings against threats to Somalia’s sovereignty.
The root of the discord lies in Ethiopia’s recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Somaliland earlier this month.
The agreement grants Ethiopia access to a seaport for both military and commercial purposes, with the condition that Ethiopia formally recognizes Somaliland as an independent state.
The port deal has ignited diplomatic tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia, prompting concerns from regional and international actors.