Waddani Party Questions Somaliland Recognition Amid Discrepancies in Ethiopian Statements


The Waddani party in Somaliland has raised concerns regarding the consistency of Ethiopia’s recent pronouncements on recognizing Somaliland as an independent nation, diverging from the information disseminated by the Somaliland government in recent days.

Mohamud Adam Jama Galaal, the Press Secretary of the Waddani party, disclosed that Ethiopia’s latest communication, as conveyed through its government communication service, deviates significantly from the narrative President Bihi and his administration have conveyed to the public regarding Somaliland’s recognition.

Highlighting Ethiopia’s statement, Galaal stressed that Ethiopia is conducting an “in-depth assessment” before taking a stance on Somaliland’s recognition efforts, underscoring the disparity between this assessment and President Bihi’s public declarations.

The Press Secretary reiterated the Waddani party’s dedication to supporting the memorandum of understanding (MOU) if it explicitly outlines Somaliland’s recognition. He also called for increased transparency to foster trust among Somaliland stakeholders.