Somaliland, Somalia Reach Agreement on Security Cooperation and Adherence to Previous Accords


In a diplomatic development, the governments of Somaliland and Somalia recently concluded a two-day discussion in Djibouti, and have agreed to establish a full cooperation on matters of security and fighting organized crimes.

The issued communique highlights a mutual commitment to resuming talks after a prolonged hiatus, with a dedicated 30-day period allocated for the meticulous crafting of a comprehensive roadmap. This roadmap is anticipated to serve as a guiding framework for future discussions and the resolution of outstanding issues between the two sides.

Both parties reiterated their pledge to uphold and respect agreements forged during previous meetings spanning the years 2012 to 2020, conducted in various international cities. Also, a joint commitment was made to address security concerns, encompassing independent and collaborative efforts, with a particular focus on counterterrorism and the amicable resolution of emerging disputes.

Recognizing the importance of fostering a conducive environment for dialogue, both governments have concurred to abstain from actions that could potentially disrupt the ongoing process.

However, a shared commitment has been established to uphold the dignity of the dialogue, emphasizing the significance of maintaining a constructive atmosphere throughout the proceedings.