Somalia National Army Forces Liberates Several areas in Mudug Region


Somalia National Army (SNA) forces backed by local clan community fighters have captured two more villages, which were Al-Shabaab’s strongholds in the country’s central Mudug region.

According to the residents, the allied forces Dhagahdheer and Dahar-Ali Hayloow were liberated by the combined forces without facing any resistance. This is part of an offensive to flush out the militants from the southern Mudug region, the government said.

The offensive comes after the start of the 2nd phase of the government campaign against Al-Shabaab. The officials added that the government forces had restored peace and security in the liberated villages where the militants had been hiding and terrorizing the local people.

The SNA and its allied forces are currently engaged in joint military operations against the al-Shabab group in Southern Somalia, which liberated chunks of territory in central and southern Somalia that were under the control of the Al-Shabaab.