Somalia Foreign Affairs Minister Huruuse resigns amid Puntland state elections


Somalia’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Abshir Jama Huruuse, tendered his resignation on Monday morning, formally submitting his resignation letter to Prime Minister Hamse Abdi Barre.

Having held the position for a year and a half, Minister Huruuse announced his decision to participate in the forthcoming Puntland State regional election scheduled for the following month.

In a statement released on Monday, Huruuse reflected on his tenure, highlighting significant achievements in Somalia’s foreign policy. Noteworthy accomplishments include securing membership in the East African Community block, facilitating debt relief, and successfully advocating for the recent lifting of the arms embargo on Somalia.

Expressing appreciation, Huruuse extended gratitude to Prime Minister Barre for the opportunity to serve as the Foreign Affairs Minister and acknowledged the collaborative efforts of Somali diplomats, emphasizing the meaningful partnerships forged during his term.