UNRWA says Israeli attacks on Gaza obstructing humanitarian efforts

As the war in Gaza rages, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees says the continuous attacks by the Israeli Defence Forces have crippled humanitarian activities in the enclave.
The UNRWA said the attacks have become difficult to deliver aid under a sky full of airstrikes…

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees declared on Saturday that the raging Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip hinder humanitarian efforts in the region.

Juliette Touma, the communications director at the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA),
In an interview with the BBC News channel said it is difficult to access those who need us most and fulfill our duties.

She said that “imposed access restrictions, limited supplies and continued heavy bombardments prevent UNRWA’s ability to provide aid in.”

Adding that it has become difficult to deliver aid under a sky full of airstrikes.

Meanwhile, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), reiterated his call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

The war, according to the World Health body, has taken a heavy toll on the people of Gaza.

In reprisal for a cross-border incursion by the Palestinian group Hamas on Oct. 7, Israel has bombed Gaza from the air and land, imposed a siege, and launched a ground offensive.

No fewer than 18,800 Palestinians, mostly children and women, have since been killed and 51,000 injured in the Israeli attacks since the war began.

According to official numbers, the Israeli death toll from the Hamas attack stands at 1,200, with the Palestinian group still holding more than 130 hostages in Gaza.