Somali Youths Remain Missing After Migration from Tunisia


In recent months, a wave of migration from Tunisia has seen thousands leaving amidst challenging sea conditions. Among the migrants are numerous Somalis, some of whom remain unaccounted for, leaving their families in distress as BBC reports

Approximately 6,800 migrants, predominantly from various African countries, entered Italy, overwhelming the immigration center on the island of Lampedusa. This surge occurred over a few days, involving around 120 boats originating from Tunisia.

Concerns intensify as up to 16 Somali youths and children, part of those who embarked on the perilous journey in the eighth month, have not been heard from. The parents of these individuals express their anguish, uncertain about the fate of their loved ones.

Halimo Ahmed Raage, the mother of Ilhan Hassan Ali, shared her anguish, stating that her daughter had embarked on the journey from Nairobi to Libya, where she faced detention and a $12,000 ransom. After leaving Libya, Ilhan traversed Arab countries to reach Tunisia, aiming to avoid the hazardous sea voyage. Halima’s family, despite being financially constrained, pooled resources to secure her release in Libya.

Amina Aisa, another member of the group with Ilhan, faces additional challenges as she is disabled in the leg. Her father, Issa Ahmed, reports no contact since the eighth month when Amina mentioned their departure. Concerns grow as reports suggest that boats leaving during that period faced difficulties, with some disappearing.