Ethiopian PM, and Czech Republic counterpart Discuss Bilateral Relations


Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia and the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala, engaged in discussions on bilateral issues aimed at strengthening the existing relations between their two countries.

The high-profile talks took place on Saturday as Prime Minister Petr Fiala arrived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on a diplomatic visit.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, accompanied by senior government officials, warmly welcomed his Czech counterpart at Bole International Airport as his visit marks a crucial step towards fostering closer ties between Ethiopia and the Czech Republic.

During the discussions, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Prime Minister Petr Fiala explored various avenues to enhance the longstanding relations between the two nations, emphasizing mutual development as a primary objective.

The leaders expressed their commitment to bolstering cooperation in key areas such as trade, investment, technology, and cultural exchanges.

“We are pleased to host Prime Minister Petr Fiala in Ethiopia, and we view this visit as an opportunity to solidify the friendship between our two nations. Our discussions have been productive and forward-looking, focusing on areas of mutual benefit,” Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed stated.

Prime Minister Fiala reciprocated the sentiments, highlighting the potential for closer collaboration between the Czech Republic and Ethiopia.

“Ethiopia is a strategic partner for us in Africa, and we are eager to explore new horizons of cooperation in various sectors. This visit is a step in the right direction,” he affirmed.

The meeting concluded with both leaders expressing their commitment to continuing the dialogue and pursuing concrete initiatives to advance the shared interests of Ethiopia and the Czech Republic.

The discussions between Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Prime Minister Petr Fiala are expected to set the stage for increased cooperation, trade, and cultural exchange between Ethiopia and the Czech Republic.

After the meeting, PM Fiala paid courtesy visit to the ministry of water and energy with a view to collaborating with Ethiopia.

During his tour of the ministry, the Czech premier was addressed by Water and Energy Minister Habtamu Itefa and State Ministers Abrha Adugna and Sultan Wali on the practical results of Ethiopia’s cooperation with the Czech Republic.