Electricity restored across Ghana after days of darkness


Electricity has been restored across Ghana after the country was plunged into total darkness due to a lack of gas used to generate electricity. In a statement, the main electricity companies in the country said adequate gas has been made available to the power generating station to light up the West African country…

Following the recent sporadic power outages across the country, the Ghana Grid Company LTD (GRIDCo) and the Electricity Company of Ghana have announced the effective restoration of power while assuring that all hands are on deck to serve every household.

In a joint statement by the bodies, they said the restoration of power was achieved following gas delivery to Tema’s power-producing plants from Takoradi.

The statement noted that the improved gas supply has enabled power restoration to all loads across the country.

It added that any customer still experiencing a power cut is likely facing a local fault and therefore should report it to the appropriate officials for it to be fixed.

The Ghana Grid Company LTD and the Electricity Company of Ghana apologised for the inconvenience caused by the recent load management exercise and commended the public for their patience.

Most parts of Ghana were plunged into darkness earlier in the week due to a lack of gas to power electricity-generating plants in the country.

Power outages are common in Ghana, but the recent cut is the worst nationwide outage in two years.

The West African country is currently facing its worst economic crisis in several years.

According to a report published in June, the country’s present energy supply is “critically unhealthy and tottering towards a power crisis”.